DSP Mutual Fund | |
Scheme Name | DSP Corporate Bond Fund |
Objective of Scheme | The primary investment objective of the Scheme is to seek to generate regular income and capital appreciation commensurate with risk from a portfolio predominantly investing in corporate debt securities across maturities which are rated AA+ and above, in addition to debt instruments issued by central and state governments and money market securities. |
Scheme Type | Open Ended |
Scheme Category | Debt Scheme – Corporate Bond Fund |
New Fund Launch Date | 23-Aug-2018 |
New Fund Earliest Closure Date | 05-Sep-2018 |
New Fund Offer Closure Date | 05-Sep-2018 |
Indicate Load Separately | Entry Load – Not Applicable, Exit Load – Nil, Note: No exit load shall be levied In case of switch of investments from Direct Plan to Regular Plan and vice versa. |
Minimum Subscription Amount | Rs.1,000/– and any amount thereafter. |
For Further Details Please Visit Website | www.dspim.com |