Economic Abbreviations

WEF – World Economic Forum

WEO – World Economic Outlook

CAG – Comptroller and Auditor General of India

FOMC – America Federal Open Market Committee

IMF – International Monetary Fund

IEA – International Economic Association

CII – Confederation of Indian Industry

ASSOCHAM – The Associated Chambers of Commerce of India

IIP – Index of Industrial Price

WPI – Wholesale Price Index

CPI – Customer Price Index

PMI – Purchasing Managers Index

CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

CMIE – Center for Monitoring Indian Economy

NIPFP – National Institute of Public Finance and Policy

NCLT – National Companies Law Tribunal

CVC – Central Vigilance Commission

FCA – Foreign Currency Assets

GDP – Gross Domestic Product

GVA – Gross Value Added

CGST – Central Goods & Service Tax

SGST – State Goods & Service Tax

IGST – International Goods & Service Tax

GSTN – Goods and Service Tax Network

DAE – Development of Applied Economics

FIEO- Federation of Indian Export Organizations

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